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Best Non-Surgical Treatments For Beard Growth

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Reverse Early Signs of Balding With Beard Regrowth Treatment

A well-groomed beard reflects masculinity and looks stylish on men. However, several men can’t grow the desired beard because of the lack of hair growth. The incomplete and patchy beard makes them look untidy and shabby. Hormones, genetics, health, and lifestyle largely affect how quickly your beard grows. Testosterone, a hormone, largely propels facial hair growth. Low testosterone reduces beard growth. You can even be genetically predetermined for a scant beard even if your testosterone is normal.Ā 


Aren’t you satisfied with the growth of your beard and how it looks? No worries as you can have the desired look with our beard growth treatment in Bangalore at CNF.Ā 

Beard Growth Tips

Your health condition affects your beard. You can’t change your genes but follow lifestyle habits to get healthier and quickly get a fuller beard.Ā 


Here are the tips to grow hair:

Exercise EverydayĀ 

Exercise increases blood flow which helps to stimulate the growth of your hair follicles. Exercises, such as strength training and weightlifting, may temporarily increase your testosterone level. Try to do the right exercises at the right time every day. Testosterone levels tend to fluctuate in young men during the day, spike in the morning and fall during the afternoon.Ā 


Follow a Healthy DietĀ 

Rich nutrition derived from following a healthy and balanced diet may benefit your beard growth and healthy development. You should maintain your BMI in the normal range as obesity lowers testosterone. Some nutrients, like zinc, increase your testosterone level. A healthy diet won’t change your genetics but help your hair grow lustrous and healthier. Include the following items in your diet:


  • Lean protein, such as salmon and chickenĀ 

  • Iron, like liverĀ 

  • Whole grains and healthy carbohydratesĀ 

  • Zinc-rich foods, such as chickpeas and nutsĀ 

  • Healthy fats, like those in avocadosĀ 

  • Vegetables and fruits high in A, B, C, D, and E that grow hairĀ 


WY clipboard new

Conditions treated

Sparse Beard Growth

Patchy Beard

Slow Beard Growth

Beard Bald Spots

Beard Thickness and Fullness

Take Beard Growth Vitamins and SupplementsĀ 

You can find many supplements that promote beard growth. No diet is capable of overriding heredity. Taking supplements or multivitamins containing zinc and iron may benefit beard growth if you don’t get the required nutrients through diet.Ā 

Sleep WellĀ 

Sleep is crucial for overall health development, including beard growth. Testosterone is released when you sleep. Disturbed sleep, sleep apnea, and insufficient sleep can restrict your beard growth. Sleep restrictions decrease testosterone levels in healthy young men. Testosterone levels peak at around the start of the first REM sleep cycle and stay at the same level until you wake up.Ā 


Wash and Moisturize Your SkinĀ 

Clean and moisturized skin improves your beard appearance. Exfoliate your face to keep pores open, and remove dead skin cells and dirt from around every hair follicle. It also helps in decreasing ingrown hair from occurring under your brand. Leave-in conditioners designed exclusively for beards can nourish, soften and moisturize the hair. They remove beard dandruff and make your beard look fuller. Try different lotions, creams, and oils to check which one suits your skin type and beard.Ā 

The Myth of Shaving Beard OftenĀ 

Shaving your beard makes it look neat and uniform. However, it doesn’t thicken and make your beard hair grow faster. Genes control hair growth, color, and thickness but not the frequency of shaving.Ā 


Types Of Treatment Available at Clinic Next Face For Beard GrowthĀ 



PlasmoDerm for beard restoration suits people with hair loss and patches of missing hair that reduce beard density. It is a safe and quick treatment that requires approximately 30 minutes and has no downsides as it doesn’t need any type of invasive anesthesia. PlasmoDerm contains hair follicles stimulating elements and thus, grows hair. PlasmoDerm treatment is easy and natural as it’s your stem cells and hair that grows again. As the recovery takes 1 to 2 days, many people resume normal activities the next day after treatment.Ā Ā 


Microneedling involves using derma rollers and pen-like tools with many tiny and sterile needles to create micro-wounds in the skin’s upper layer, which produces elastin and collagen. As micro-needling stimulates elastin and collagen production, you will get a thicker and fuller beard. Microneedling increases beard growth by healing damaged skin, improving nutrient-rich blood flow to the area, and activating stem cell factors.Ā 


You can find some good supplements and creams that claim fuller and thicker beards. Beardalizer is a supplement that grows a beard by supplying nutrients, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and biotin. Such vitamins and minerals can produce healthier and thicker hair. A supplement may not work if your body can’t grow a beard because of genetics.Ā 


Topical SerumsĀ 

The application of a topical serum on your beard area every day can increase hair growth. If applied every day, you can see a thicker beard in three to four months. Use a topical serum with the best ingredients. When buying a serum, look for the ingredients, such as rosemary leaf oil, caffeine, biotin (vitamin H), Panax ginseng root, and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Besides growing the beard, the right topical serum can nourish and moisturize your skin and hair.Ā 

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