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Dark Spots On Face | Treatment in Bengaluru
Dark Spots On Face | Treatment in Bengaluru
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Dark Spots On Face | Treatment in Bengaluru

Melasma occurs mainly in women (90% of cases) and 10% of males of all ethnic and racialĀ groups. [15] In India, 20ā€“30% of 40ā€“65 year old women present with a facial melasma. Dark spots or hyperpigmentation occur on your skin because of excess production of melanin, which gives color to your skin, eyes, and hair. Some dark spots are also called sunspots or age spots, which are of different sizes in different people. Even though dark spots on your skin aren’t a health concern, they can degrade your beauty. You can always getĀ rid of the stubborn dark spots on your face with our advanced treatment.Ā 
At CNF in Bengaluru, our doctor checks the condition of your dark spots and then performs the right treatment to remove them. With our dark spot treatment, you get a spotless, clear, and glowing face with no side effects.

Identifying Dark Spots

You can always identify the dark spots on your face as they have a different color than your skin tone. The dark spot color varies depending on your skin tone and can be light to gray or dark brown, depending on the causes. Dark spots have various sizes and can occur on other body parts. Age spots, a type of dark spots, tend to develop in body parts with prolonged sun exposure, such as the face (mainly the chin, upper lip, and forehead), shoulders, back, and hands backside.Ā 
Dark spots caused due to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation tend to occur on your cheeks.

Ā Our doctor can identify the root causes of dark spots irrespective of the body parts on where they occur. Hyperpigmentation tends to fade away in 6 to 12 months after fixing the cause in people having darker skin. Deeper dark spots may take years to fade away. The changes in deep color may look gray or blue. A dark spot can also look much darker brown than your natural skin tone.

What Causes Dark Spots on the Face?

Here are the key causes of dark spots appearing on your face:

Sun Exposure

Dark spots, also called liver spots, sunspots, or solar lentigines, may occur on your skin after prolonged sun exposure or tanning beds. Your body parts, like your face, tend to get the maximum level of sun exposure and thus, sun spots.Ā 

Hormonal Changes and Melasma

Melasma tends to occur when melanocytes, the pigment that produces cells in your skin, produce excess melanin. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) triggers melanocytes and boosts melanin production which darkens your skin.Ā 

Darker-skinned people tend to develop melasma because of their melanocytes being more active than light-skinned people. Females during their reproductive phase and pregnancy tend to suffer from melasma.Ā 

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

PIH develops as dark spots in colors ranging from brown to black depending on your skin tone and level of damage. Hyperpigmentation may occur in people of all genders and ages, mostly in those having dark-pigmented skin.Ā Ā 

Excess melanin deposition and melanogenesis get severe with inflammation, like acne, in darker skin tones. Discoloration may be caused due to endogenous factors, like systemic disorders, and exogenous factors, like medications, which increase the occurrence of PIH.


As you age, your body may start producing more melanin, which darkens your skin. Age spots occur on your face when extra melanin gets clumped together in your skin. Such spots can occur singularly or together in different sizes varying from 0.2 to 2 cm in diameter.

Ā Age spots occur in people over 40 years old and even in younger people who tend to utilize tanning beds or get sunburnt skin. Such spots can occur on everyone's skin, mostly in lighter-skinned people who are sensitive to the sun.Ā 

Skin Cancer

A dark spot may indicate skin cancer. The dark spot features, which show melanoma are
uneven coloring, asymmetry, notched/ragged borders, and spots changing in color/size.Ā 


Diabetes may darken your skin areas. Diabetic dermopathy, also known as ā€œshin spotsā€, causes shin lines or red/brown patches. Acanthosis Nigricans may cause velvety and dark patches on your skin. Necrobiosis Lipoidica may cause brown, red, or yellow bumps, which can be swollen or hard.Ā 


Dark spots may occur after a brief period of inflammation on your skin. You may have inflammation because of various reasons, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and injuries to the skin.Ā 

Medicines and Cosmetics Side Effects

Some medicines may cause hyperpigmentation and then stubborn dark spots. Medications usually causing dark spots are anticonvulsants, antimalarials, chemotherapy drugs, and anti-inflammatories, like Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Skin and hair care products that irritate your skin may form dark patches.

Different Types of Dark Spots

Here are the most common types of dark spots you may have on your face:

Sun Spots or Age Spots

Sun spots or age spots occur on sun-damaged skin because of prolonged exposure to harmful sun rays. You tend to get more sunspots if you have had severe sunburns before. Sunspots get more noticeable with aging, and thus, they are known as ā€œage spotsā€. The harmful UV rays can cause a spot or multiple spots clustered together that appear like a dark patch on your skin.Ā 


Freckles are tiny flat spots, which are tan, dark brown, light brown, or red, and usually develop on the sun-exposed body parts. You tend to get freckles if you have a lighter skin tone and red/blond hair. Anyone can have freckles, which look like dark brown spots if you have a dark skin tone. Melanin protects your skin against sun
damage by receiving and reflecting UV. Melanin overproduction causes freckles. Melanocytes produce more melanin if your skin gets exposed to the sun when you
have a fair or light complexion. Your skin tends to get freckles rather than tan.Ā 


Melasma is a common skin discoloration disorder occurring in the reproductive phase, which looks like brownish or grayish brown patches/spots on your face.
Hormones with sun UV rays exposure trigger melasma. The increased level of progesterone and estrogen during the pregnancy phase can aggravate
hyperpigmentation, and thus, itā€™s known as the ā€œmask of pregnancyā€. Females are much more affected by melasma than males. You are likely to develop melasma if
you have a dark skin tone.Ā 

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)Ā 

Inflammations, such as acne, injuries, and burns, may leave behind red, pinkish, and dark/light brown blotches, known as PIH, on your skin. The dark spots can be of
various sizes and their color depends on your skin tone. The spots usually fade themselves, however, sometimes they may take several months to fade completely. You can protect the areas with dark spots from the sunā€™s UV rays by applying an SPF of at least 30 to prevent further darkness. Our advanced treatments can identify
and cure the exact cause of the PIH, which lightens the dark spots.Ā 

Recognizing Benign Dark Spots and Warning Signs of Skin

Your skin may get dark spots and other concerns because of mild and critical reasons. So, you should know the most common benign skin disorders and their warning signs. Find themĀ  below:Ā 

Benign Moles

Benign moles, also called ā€œmelanocytic nevusā€, are chronic lesions on your skin. They are tan and are usually dark brown and pink with a defined circular outline. The flat or raised miles are composed of cells, which make melanin that protects your body from harmful UV rays. People with more melanin pigment in their skin tend to get new moles on their skin due to sun exposure. You should consult a doctor if you see any big changes in the texture and color of your mole. The most common warning signs are asymmetry of moles, irregular edges, uneven tone and gradually increasing diameter.


Epidermoid cysts are sacs filled with keratin formed gradually immediately under your skin. Such cysts are usually pea-sized and can subtly roll below your skin. Cysts can be caused because of hormonal imbalance and blockage of hair follicles or drainage system.

Ā They can form on most body parts, including the face, genitals, face, and backside. The most common types of cysts are sebaceous cysts, pilar cysts, and acne cysts, which are the most critical as they form deep inside your skin. Cystic acne occurs due to hormonal imbalances in younger and older adults. Cysts may subside themselves depending on their type or doctor intervention is required if your cyst aches gets infected, or grows quickly.Ā 


A rash develops on your skin as an abnormal element, which tends to itch, ache, or discharge fluid. Your skin may react to a drug, toxin, allergy, or infection. Systemic diseases, like the flu, can also cause a rash on your face. As rashes are of various types and causes, you should know the most common types of rashes and their signs. Eczema makes your skin look itchy and red. Pityriasis Rosea breaks out usually on your backside and looks like a Christmas Tree.

Ā A drug rash usually looks like hives and is caused by an allergy drug. A heat rash is caused due to blocked ducts in summer or humid weather. It looks red with bumps of sweat and triggers a prickly sensation.Ā 


Warts are the growth in benign skin which occurs when Human Papillomavirus (HPV), aĀ  Ā virus affects the skinā€™s top layer. The common types of warts can be identified depending on their appearance and where they occur.Ā 

They tend to appear on nails, fingers, and hands backside with black dots on the top resembling seeds and rough bumps. Foot warts occur in clusters and flat warts may appear anywhere, mostly on the face, hands, and backside. Flat warts are smoother and smaller than other types of warts and tend to occur in children.Ā 

Preventative Measures

With the right measures, you can prevent dark spots and have a clear complexion.Ā 

Daily Skincare Routine to Prevent Dark Spots

Here are the everyday skincare tips to follow for a spot-free face:Ā 

Apply Sunscreen on Your Face

Clean Your Face Effectively

The most effective skin treatment starts with applying sunscreen.Ā  Everyday application of SPF 30+ on your face and neck is crucial, regardless of any season and weather, to prevent the formation of dark spots.Ā 

The sunscreen application on your face prevents age spots and skin darkening. Ensure your sunscreen lotion is non-comedogenic, otherwise, your skin may have bumps and other side effects.Ā 

Clean Your Face Effectively

Clean Your Face Effectively

Clean your face thoroughly with a face wash containing brightening and exfoliating agents to diminish dark spots and reveal a brighter skin tone. The gentle topical acid exfoliators, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid, can help brighten and even out your skin tone.Ā 

You should use a face wash suited to your skin type. For instance, face washes containing salicylic acid work well on oily and acne-prone skin, while glycolic and lactic acids are the best for dry and sensitive skin.Ā 

Moisturize Your Skin Well

Moisturize Your Skin Well

After cleaning your face, moisturize it well using a moisturizer containing humectants to keep the skin moisturized and soft.Ā  Petroleum jelly is one of the most effective moisturizers. But,Ā you should apply them in moderate quantities on your face, otherwise, acne may occur.

Ā LikeĀ the face wash, the moisturizer you use should be non-comedogenic to prevent side effects.Ā Avoid using fragranced moisturizers, hard scrubs, and exfoliators as they may irritate yourĀ skin.Ā 


Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Dark Spot Formation

Here are the lifestyle habits you should develop to prevent the formation of dark spots:

Follow a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet prevents the formation of dark spots and gives you glowing skin. A diet including minerals, vitamins, and proteins helps to maintain a clear complexion. Strawberries and lemons are rich in Vitamin C which restricts the increase in free radicals causing dark spots. Add fruits, eggs, lean meat, nuts, and green tea to get healthy skin. Avoid dairy and sugary foods as they aggravate acne.Ā 

Hydrate Your Skin

Keeping your skin hydrated is crucial to prevent dark spots. With an increased water intake, discoloration decreases and you get a more even skin tone. Drinking at least 3 to 4 liters of water every day can boost your blood circulation and flow, which gives you glowing skin. Your skin gets drier when you dont drink enough water because of this your body produces more oil to balance the dryness that causes breakouts and clogged pores.

Sleep Well

ā€œBeauty sleepā€ gives you beautiful skin as your body performs damage control activities when sleeping. Your body regenerates new cells and decreases the cortisol level, which causes free radical damage to your skin. Lack of sleep can make your skin look dull an tired, and boost stress levels, which may cause breakouts and other skin disorders. Your body releases growth hormones in sleep, which repairs and regenerates cells.

Ā Insufficient sleep makes your body produce more cortisol, which may break collagen and lose your skin elasticity. As a consequence, your skin gets dry and triggers disorders, like psoriasis, which
leaves dark spots on the skin.Ā 

Professional Treatments At CNF in Bengaluru

Here are the types of treatments you can do at CNF to treat your dark spots:

Chemical Peels

Best Chemical Peels treatment in Bangalore

Chemical peels remove the topmost skin layer, fix discolorations, and reveal new skin. They reduce the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, melasma, acne scars, and other
imperfections. The application of chemical agents reduces the amount in your skin. The effectiveness of the peeling treatment depends on its type, concentration, total number of coats applied, and duration.Ā 

The chemicals used in peeling to lighten dark spots are glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid.Ā  It takes 2 to 3 weeks for the deep peel to heal. The results can stay for approximately 10 years with proper maintenance. Apply moisturizer and SPF on your skin to keep it hydrated and protected against harmful sun rays.Ā 

Laser Therapy

Best Laser Therapy in Bangalore

Laser therapy is a safe option to remove dark spots from your face. The laser beam targets the dark spots in your dermis without affecting surrounding tissues. The laser therapy breaks pigmentation and boosts collagen production, which diminishes discoloration and rejuvenates your skin. As this noninvasive treatment involves minimum recovery and downtime, you can immediately resume everyday activities without much healing.Ā 

You may get noticeable results after a single session, but 2 or 3 sessions may be required for the best outcomes. The number of required sessions depends on the size and intensity of dark spots. People see results many days post a session, which may extend over months with more collagen production and pigmented cell removal from your skin.Ā 


Best Microdermabrasion treatment in Bangalore

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive treatment that enhances your complexion and skin texture. The procedure involves using an abrasive applicator to exfoliate your skinā€™s topmost layer with dark spots, remove dead cells, and reveal a brighter skin tone. It is a painless process that increases your skinā€™s cell turnover, quickens healing, and gives you healthier skin. The results aren’t permanent as skin tends to resurface once a month.Ā 

Your skin feels extremely soft and gets radiant as the new skin layer is revealed. 3 to 10 sessions are required to get a brighter skin tone with faded dark spots. This treatment works on all skin tones and types and has zero downtime with a quick recovery process.Ā 

Glutathione Injection

Glutathione Injection treatment in bangalore

Glutathione injection directly injects glutathione inside the bloodstream, which deactivates tyrosinase and repairs the inflammation and damage caused by toxins.Ā  Tyrosinase, an enzyme, boosts melanin production and causes dark spots on your skin. With the decrease in tyrosinase and melanin production, you get a lighter and brighter skin tone. Our doctor decides the dosage depending on your skin condition, the level of dark spots, and the required lightening.Ā 

One monthly injection for 6 months is recommended if improvement shows after one/two injections in a week. Even though glutathione works immediately, it takes 3 weeks to get significant results. As glutathione injection is safe and has no downtime, you can resume normal activities immediately.Ā Ā 


Best Plasmo Derm treatment in Bangalore

Plasmo Derm is a trending skin treatment to remove dark spots and other imperfections. When injected into certain skin portions, PlasmoDerm boosts collagen production and regenerates tissues.Ā  The treatment process is quick, painless, and needs no post- maintenance. You may experience mild redness, swelling, and bruising that fade in 1 to 3 days because of fast healing even due to plateletsā€™ higher concentrations.

Ā Plasmo Derm treatment is performed in multiple sessions at an interval of 6 to 8 weeks. The results and benefits are visible 6 to 7 weeks after the treatment. The effects of collagen production, and tightened may take approximately 3 months to show and can stay for 6 months to 1 year.Ā Ā 

Skin Booster TreatmentBest Hydra-Rich Injection Treatment in Bangalore

Hydra-rich injection is a non-invasive treatment. When Hydra-rich is injected into your dermis layers, it nourishes your skin inside and outside. Hyaluronic acid adds hydration and moisture to your skin because of its water-binding capabilities, so it looks plump and radiant. Since hyaluronic acid boosts collagen production and elasticity, it reduces the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. Some results become visible immediately after theĀ  treatment, however, they get better after a month. The effects show up 10 to 14 days after the treatment. Your skin looks brighter and smoother with reduced dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. The results may stay for approximately 9 months, however regular sessions at an interval of 6 to 9 months can improve the outcomes.Ā 

Dermapen Microneedling

Dermpen microneedling
best  Treatment for Dark spot

The Dermapen microneedling therapy causes injuries on your skin, which increases the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, the natural and essential skin rejuvenation elements. The increased production of these natural elements boosts the capabilities of skin absorption.

Then, certain skin-lightening agents treat your skin, which can easily absorb products and give your face an immediate glow and whitening effect. Besides lightening your skin, dermapen microneedling evens out your complexion and reduces the appearance of melasma, scars, dark patches, hyperpigmentation, and discoloration.

Sign Up for a Free Consultation

Do you want to get rid of the dark spots on your face and look better than before? Opt for our advanced dark spot removal treatment to fulfill your wishes. Sign up for a free consultation with our expert. We check the condition of your skin having dark spots and perform the right
treatment to remove them.

Talk To Our Peel Expert Today!

No Obligations! Just jump on a quick call with our skin whitening expert and know what kind of treatment will suit you the best.

Either way you will get some actionable tips to reach your skin goals faster.

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