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Jowls Treatment in Bengaluru
Jowls Treatment in Bengaluru

Jowls Treatment in Bengaluru

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Jowls, the sagging skin under your jawline or chin, tend to develop with aging as the skin gets thinner and loses elasticity. You may also get jowls because of genetic, lifestyle, or environmental reasons. Jowls can be more noticeable in people with more collagen in the skin under the chin and cheeks or overall thicker and fatter skin.Ā 
Even though jowls aren’t a serious disorder, they can be an aesthetic concern.Ā 

However, you can reduce their appearance with our advanced treatments. Our doctor at CNF in Bengaluru checks how your jowls look and performs the right treatment to remove the unwanted skin below your cheeks and chin.

Understanding Jowls: What They Are and Why They Occur

Before you opt for jowl treatment, you should understand them and the reasons behind their occurrence.

What are Jowls?

Jowls are sagging skin along your chin and lower jawline. Their appearance and criticality vary depending on the person, which makes your face look less defined and you look older than your age. Some may have slight noticeable jowls, while others may have more visible jowls that affect their overall look.Ā 

With jowls, you may also develop other signs of aging on your skin, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Jowls tend to occur because of an extra fat layer developing under your chin.

Key Factors Contributing to Jowls Formation

Here are the key factors that form jowls on your face:

  • Aging: The Natural Decline in Skin Elasticity

Your skin naturally loses elasticity and gets thinner as you grow older. Jowls develop beneath your chin and jawline when elastin and collagen production decrease in your skin. They are the two main structural proteins that maintain the elasticity and integrity of your skin, their reduction in production loosening the skin along your cheeks and nearby mouth. The skin starts sagging and descending because of the gravitational pull.

  • Genetics: The Role of Hereditary Traits

Your hereditary traits play a dominant role when it comes to jowls developing on your face. The jowls will get more visible with aging if any of your parents have that. The level of visibility of jowls in your parents can help in predicting how your jowls may look in the future. People with more fat in their face, and thicker skin with more collagen tend to have less prominent jowls. If you have naturally thin skin with less elastin and collagen may expect your jowls to be more visible.

  • Lifestyle Choices: Diet, Smoking, and Sun Exposure

Here are the poor lifestyle habits that can lead to the development of jowls on your face:Ā 

  • Ā An unhealthy diet may cause jowls when fat in your cheeks accumulates near the jawline.Ā 
  • Ā Smoking may severely sag your skin. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes reduce the elastin and collagen production in your skin. Smoking minimizes blood circulation which deteriorates your skin health.
  • Ā Consistent sun exposure causes collagen damage and jowls. Thus, applying SPF
  • when you are outside in the sun proper skin maintenance is essential to prevent the formation of jowls.Ā 
  • Ā Looking down for hours using a phone or laptop reduces skin elasticity, which causes muscle strain and stress injuries.
  • Weight Fluctuations: Effects on Skin Tightness

Rapid and massive weight loss degrades your skinā€™s texture and strength. Weight gain stretches your skin. Once you quickly lose kilos of weight, the stretched skin under your chin and jawline fails to get back to the original position, which causes sagging.

Non-Surgical Treatments For Jowls in Bengaluru

Here are the non-surgical treatments you can do to get rid of jowls:

Jaw Fillers

Jaw line Treatment in Bangalore

Dermal fillers are one of the best solutions to treat your jowls as they can tighten sagging skin. The injected fillers into sagging or aging skin can fill the spaces caused due to collagen reduction. Dermal fillers, when injected into your jawline and chin, help in tightening the loose skin below your chin. The sagging skin gets tighter and produces more collagen that gives you a firmer, younger, and more defined chin/jaw area.

Ā This treatment delivers long-termĀ results and the number of required sessions depends on the severity of your jowls. YouĀ can see excellent results in 6 months to 2 years after getting repeated sessions.


Botox treatment in bangalore

Botox, a popular anti-aging treatment, uses Botulinum Toxin to lift your jaw area and enhance the jawline definition. Botox injections can add a mild lifting effect to the jowl area that makes your face look youthful. You don’t get immediate results with botox injections as your body takes time to process the injected element.

Ā The results start getting visible in 3 days, while the full effects show up in 7 to 10 days. Your jowls get reduced and the jawline area and neck look more youthful and defined than before.Ā 


Radio frequency therapy in bangalore

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment that removes jowls by applying radiofrequency waves via your skin. It can emit heat applied to your underchin and jawline areas and penetrate heat inside the deeper layers of your skin. This treatment promotes cell turnover and collagen production, which makes your skin look youthful. Radiofrequency treatment involves no needles and downtime. The results vary depending on individuals and the intensity of their jowls. The full results may take 2 months to show up as collagen may increase post the session. 6 to 8 sessions at an interval of 2 weeks are recommended for the best results. A touch-up session after every 3 to 4 months can help in maintaining the results.Ā 

High-Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU)

High-Intensity Focussed Ultrasound treatment in bangalore

HIFU is an advanced treatment that can lift your face without surgery. This treatment involves applying ultrasound energy to tighten the connective tissues and lift your skin. The fibers thicken because of heating and collagen fibers, which lift your skin. HIFU treatment boosts collagen production, burns fat, and fixes sagging jowls, which gives you a prominent jawline. It is a safe treatment, which suits patients of all ages.Ā 

You may see the results quickly after the first session or after a couple of months your body starts producing more elastin and collagen. HIFU can be the best treatment to deliver long-term outcomes without surgery.Ā 

Laser Therapy for Skin Tightening

Laser Therapy for Skin Tightening treatment in bangalore

Laser therapy is a minimally invasive treatment that helps you to get rid of jowls. The infrared light laser penetrates under your skin. Ā  This treatment boosts elastin and collagen production and heats your skin, which tightens your sagging skin and makes it look less crepey.
As laser skin tightening involves the least downtime, you can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment. A session takes 30 to 90 minutes. You can see certain improvements in your jowls after 1 session. However, the best results become visible gradually in 3 to 6 sessions. This treatment shows the best results in people 30 to 65 years of age. The results stay for many years and get better with proper skin maintenance.Ā 

Lipo Injection


Lipo Injection treatment in bangalore

Lipo injection can be a great choice to remove the excess fat under your chin, reduce the appearance of sagging skin and jowls, and enhance your facial contours. Lipo injection diminishes fat cells, removes sagging skin, and increases its elasticity. You will get back your lost jawline with a more chiseled jawline. This treatment gives you relief from heavy jowls and makes you look slimmer than before.

Ā Lipo injection treatment takes 1 to 2 hours. You can resume your normal activities in 3 to 7 days. The full recovery from this treatment takesĀ 6 to 8 weeks with proper care that prevents infections. Lipo injection is a long-term solutionĀ to remove jowls and get a youthful look.

Alternative and Emerging Treatments

Here are the alternative and emerging treatments you can do to get rid of jowls:

Thread Lifts: A Less Invasive Alternative

Thread lifts are a minimally invasive treatment to tighten sagging skin, mainly under your cheeks and jawline areas. This treatment takes 45 to 60 minutes and involves positioning threads through your skin. The total number of threads used in the treatment depends on theĀ  severity of your jowls.Ā  You can see an instant lift in your skin beneath your cheeks and jawline after a session. The thread lifts stay for 1 to 1.5 years, which naturally subside over time and get replaced with collagen that helps in maintaining the results.Ā  The natural, youthful, and rejuvenating effects can stay for approximately 2 years as your body breaks the threads, which boosts collagen production in your skin. Ā You may experience swelling and bruising after the treatment that lasts for 7 to 10 days. It takes 2 weeks to recover from the

Stem Cell Therapy: The Future of Skin Regeneration

Stem cell therapy is an aesthetic treatment that uses the potential of stem cells so your body produces more collagen. It lifts your cheeks and increases blood flow, which makes you look younger than your age.Ā  The stem cell facelift takes cells from fat tissues and injects them to add elasticity and smoothness to your skin. The doctor removes or sculpts fat from certain body parts to design your desired facial contour.Ā 

This treatment is the right choice to get defined cheekbones and reduce the appearance of aging signs on your face. The longevityĀ of results depends on the patientā€™s aging process. You will get more glowing and thickeĀ skin, which stays for approximately 9 months.Ā 

What Makes CNF the Best at Jowls Treatment?

CNF in Bengaluru has a team of highly experienced aesthetic experts. During the consultation, we check your skin health condition, medical records, current medications and previous facial treatments to identify the real cause of your jowls. Then, we suggest and customize the right treatment to reduce the appearance of your jowls and make you look better than before.Ā 

Sign Up for a Free Consultation

Do you want to get rid of the excess fat beneath your chin and jawline? Get our advanced jowls treatment to fulfill your wish. Sign up for a free consultation with our experts now.

Talk To Our Jowls Expert Today!

No Obligations! Just jump on a quick call with our facial aesthtic expert and know what kind of treatment will suit you the best.

Either way you will get some actionable tips to reach your aesthetic goals faster.

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